We Accept All Private Insurance Plans and File All Claims.
No two insurance plans are alike, even if they are with the same insurance company. Every policy, whether private or employer-based, has a customized plan with the insurance company. For example, your plan with Insurance Company ‘A’ is very different from your neighbor’s plan with Insurance Company ‘A’.
We know it is very hard to navigate insurance plans and understand your benefits. Most plans offer in-network and out-of-network coverage. Often the difference of your out-of-pocket cost is minimal.
Call our office (336-292-0411) with any questions about your plan and we will help you determine your coverage. We are here to help.
Insurance FAQ’s
Are you in-network with my insurance company?
Most plans offer in-network and out-of-network coverage. Often, the difference in your out-of-pocket cost is minimal. Our office falls under your out-of-network benefits. This is typical for most pediatric specialists. Any portion of our fee that is
not covered by your insurance policy is your responsibility. Do not let insurance networks keep you from choosing us, the difference may only be a few dollars!
Can you help me find out how much my insurance will cover?
Yes! The coverage depends upon your specific insurance plan which we may have on file in our system. If not, we can file a pre-treatment estimate with your insurance plan prior to your visit. This will give you more accurate coverage information.
How do I know what payment is due the day of my appointment?
It depends on your specific plan. If you have dental insurance, you should not have to pay anything at a regular preventive visit. If your child needs treatment (i.e.fillings), your plan will pay a specific percentage of the fee. Upon scheduling, we will estimate your portion which will be collected prior to the appointment. You will receive a statement if there is any remaining balance after your insurance company pays the claim. The balance is due within 30 days.
Do you accept Medicaid?
We are not currently accepting new patients with Medicaid or State Health dental plans.
Do you accept Delta Dental Insurance?
Yes! Delta Dental can be complicated because some Delta Dental plans pay you (the subscriber) directly and some pay our office directly. If your specific Delta Dental plan pays you, we will collect the fee in full at the time of the visit. We will
file all claims for you and you will typically receive the reimbursed amount within 7-10 business days.
I have a baby who I would like to schedule for a free infant dental visit. Do I need to have insurance for his/her first visit?
Since early intervention is extremely important, we provide free exams and education for infants up to 18 months, no insurance or payment is necessary. For more information about our baby oral health program (bohP) CLICK HERE.
I do not have dental insurance. What other forms of payment are accepted?
If you do not have dental insurance, payment for professional services is due before dental treatment is provided. We accept cash, personal checks, and most major credit cards including your HSA/FSA. We also offer financing through CareCredit which offers no interest and extended payment plans with low interest.
More Questions?
We are here to help! Email Us