- What's something no one knows about you?
I danced on UNCG dance team in college
- How long have you worked at GCPD?
15 years
- Favorite restaurant?
Yellowfin in MD
- Do you have any hobbies?
- What is your favorite part of working at GCPD?
My coworkers and the kids
- Favorite Healthy Snack?
Fruit and veggies
- Favorite Junk Food?
- What was the first job that you had?
Teaching dance
- Favorite Sports Team?
Patriots and UNC
- Biggest Pet Peeve?
People who don't say thank you when you hold the door
- Favorite Animal?
- Favorite Movie?
PS I Love You
- What would your super power be? Why?
To travel back in time to spend more time with family
- First Concert?
Jason Aldean
- Dream Vacation?
Greece and Italy